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Synder pretzel pieces honey mustard sn096


SKU sn096 Category

Snyder’s Pretzel Pieces Honey Mustard 

Snyder’s Pretzel Pieces Honey Mustard blends the sugary and tasty sense of taste of honey mustard with the pleasant crunch of Snyder’s pretzels. Perfect for on-the-go chewing or as a delicious enhancer for salads and other drinks.

Essential characteristics:

Tasty and sugary, the tang of honey mustard is a pleasant combination of salt and sweet tastes.

Flawlessly crispy and charming are the brittle pretzel bits.

Model for rapid longings or on-the-go masticating, this snack size is suitable.

No artificial preservers or savors: manufactured with best components.

This multipurpose snack can be eaten on its individual or joint with garnishes and dips.

Appeal to Accomplishment:

Do you want a robust, flavorsome snack? Savor the perfect equilibrium of saline crunch and sweetness by grasping Snyder’s Pretzel Pieces Honey Mustard!

Additional information

Weight 0.75 lbs


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